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Natural Blood Pressure Support

August 30, 2023 3 min read

Natural Blood Pressure Support
Note: Heart Tension Formula has been renamed to HTN Support - it's the exact same formula!

The term "blood pressure" refers to the pressure inside of your arteries, the vessels that leave the heart to deliver oxygen and nutrients around your body. An average blood pressure is considered to be 120/80, and with new guidelines released in 2017, anyone with blood pressure above 130/80 is considered to have hypertension; this means that nearly half the adult population in the U.S. has high blood pressure!

Many cases of high blood pressure can be attributed to being overweight, obese and sedentary (not exercising).  However, many people, who, despite staying fit, eat well and do all the right things can still struggle with high blood pressure. That being said, there are many causes for this condition that aren’t always easily fixed by diet and lifestyle.

If you're a person who takes good care of themselves but needs extra support, HTN support is a great way to provide some additional support for healthy blood pressure and blood vessels. 

Best Uses for HTN Support:

  • Supporting healthy blood pressure levels
  • Supporting healthy blood vessels

Here's How HTN Support Works: 

best natural blood pressure remedy

Botanical Medicines:

Hawthorn Berry is a botanical medicine that has several indications for heart health. It has been shown to help create balanced blood pressure, smooth heart rhythms and improve blood flow into the heart itself. 

Rauwolfia is another botanical medicine with blood pressure-supportive effects. It balances blood pressure by slowing the nerve transmissions that direct how quickly the heart beats.

Coleus Forskohlii(95% Forskolin) exerts a strengthening effect on the nerves in the heart; it causes stronger contractions and at the same time relaxes the blood vessels.

Garlic stimulates the release of a compound known as endothelium derived relaxation factor (EDRF, or nitric oxide) which is the body’s main method for dilating blood vessels. It also has powerful effects on cholesterol! 

Grape Seed Extract (95% Proanthocyanidins) contains several nutrients that benefit heart health (flavonoids, oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes, linoleum acid, vitamin E) and can lower create healthy blood pressure levels.  

Gynostemma Pentaphyllum (Jiaogulan) has 82 known compounds that improve how well the heart pumps blood without increasing the actual rate at which it contracts. It can also balance cholesterol and improve how oxygen is used in the body.


Magnesium is a mineral that is used heavily throughout the body. It works as a very gentle muscle relaxer and can relax the very tiny muscles that surround the arteries; this has an effect of balancing the pressure within the vessels.  

Potassium works in tandem with magnesium to improve blood pressure. Generally, when the body’s magnesium stores are low so are potassium stores. It’s important to have adequate amounts of these minerals to keep blood pressure at healthy levels.


Niacin and Inositol (from Inositol Hexanicotinate) is a non-flushing version of Niacin, a very powerful blood pressure-balancing vitamin. Arranged in this way (six niacin molecules linked to one inositol) it’s released slowly over time and reduces flushing that occurs with regular niacin. Inositol hexanicotinate is also great for supporting healthy cholesterol levels. 

Vitamin C is included in this formula because of research that shows a link between low bodily vitamin C levels and unhealthy blood pressure (systolic and diastolic). Vitamin C is also a key factor in keeping the linings of arteries healthy and flexible. (Part of why people get high blood pressure is due to stiffening of their arteries).

HTN Support contains the best-known natural medicines to help lower, and keep blood pressure in a healthy range. 


Only use HTN Support with the guidance of your healthcare provider. Be sure to understand the warnings with its use.

Always track your blood pressure to make sure whichever medicine you’re using is effective and safe and keeps your blood pressure at healthy levels (120/80, at the highest).

We recommend recording your blood pressure twice daily in the AM and PM right upon waking and at bedtime so you have a good understanding of your blood pressure and how your treatments are working.

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